Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Dead Sea Scrolls Validate Christian� Israel Identity

Following is The Blue Tunic Army of Christ, written in the

early 60s by Dr. Wesley A. Swift. Dr.

Swift was one of the principals re‑introducing, in these later

days, the true teachings of Jesus Christ

to America, as those teachings are written in the Scriptures.

This short tract will be used as a

background into which we will, in the course of this project,

interpolate texts from the Dead Sea

Scrolls wherewith the two bear witness unto each other of

their validity.

The Blue Tunic Army of Christ, was selected for reason of its

close identification of Jesus Christ

with the Essenes, of whom a consensus of scholars agree are

the people who made up the settlement

of Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.

The Qumran Essenes were a separated society that held

mortal enmity with the high priests of the

Jerusalem Temple. These High Priests, of whom controlled

the region of Judea and surrounding

areas, corrupted the Jerusalem Temple by "teaching for

Commandments of God, the doctrines of

men." Of this Jesus Christ repeatedly condemned them.

Specifically named were scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites. It

was the scribes of the Pharisees that

corrupted the Truth of YHVH. It was the Pharisees and their

myriad agencies, who controlled the

Temple and the people with their "Tradition of the Elders,"

which was the religion brought back

some 450 years earlier from their Babylonian captivity. In that

return came a mixed multitude:

meaning that not all were Israelites.

To this it is further attested by Ezra, upon their return to

Judea, who immediately took a census of

the House of Israel so as to identify its legitimate citizenry. It

is from this mixed multitude that

returned with them; of whom brought back with them the

'Tradition of the

Elders.' (Which later became known as Babylonian Talmud) Joining with the non‑Israelites that had occupied

Judea in the absence of Judah during the

captivity, they crept into and eventually took control of the

land and its people through the church

and the corruption of the Israelite Faith.

It is from these people that the Essenes found it necessary to

militantly separate themselves. It is the

Essenes that preserved the accurate Scriptures of which

modern Judaism and Christianity does not

want the world to know today, anymore than did the

Pharisees of 2000 years ago.

Christ thus condemned them:

��������� "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are

like unto whited sepulchred, which

indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead

men's bones. and of all uncleanness.

Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but

within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity"

(Matthew 23:27‑28).

Jesus asked these people,

"Why do ye also transgress the

commandment of God by your tradition?"

(Matthew 15:3)

Then He told them,

"Thus have ye made the

Commandment of God of none effect

by your tradition" (Matthew 23:6).

In Matthew 15:8‑9 Jesus


"This people draweth nigh unto

Me with their mouth, and honoureth Me with their lips; but

their heart is far from Me. But in vain they

do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of


He was repeating what Isaiah said about the Jews of his day:

�Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men. (Isaiah 29:13)

��������� The author of the Book of Mark (in Mark 7:3) says that all the

Jews held the tradition of the elders.

In Mark 7:7 Jesus accused them of

"...teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."

And in

Mark 7:9 Jesus told them,

"Full well ye reject the

Commandments of God, that ye may keep your

own tradition."

Jews were like that in the time of Christ and

they are exactly the same today.

Christian Identity likewise condemns them today. The reason

for which we are the target of

institutional religion and government that holds a power

monopoly over the people.

It is into The Blue Tunic Army of Christ that we will, over the

period of some few weeks,

interpolate texts from the few Dead Sea Scrolls that have

been published.

We believe the following verses have not been tampered with by the Jews because they did not understand them and what they acually mean. And thought they were refering to them, and not to True Israel.

Introduction Scroll Fragment

English Translation of Damascus Document (Brit Damesek)

�...with money...[his means did not] suffice to [return it to him] and the year

[for redemption approaches?]...and may God release him? from his sins. Let not [ ] in one, for

it is an abomination....And concerning what he said (Levitus 25:14), ["When you sell

anything to or buy anything from] your neighbor, you shall

not defraud one another,"

this is the

expli[cation]...everything that he knows that is found...

and he knows that he is wronging him, whether it concerns

man or beast. And if ...

[of the curse which is said (Deut. 27:18)] (of the one) that

"makes the blind to wander out of the way."

Moreover, he should not give her to one unfit for her, for

[that is Kila'yim, (plowing with)] ox and ass and wearing wool

and linen together. ...

Translation by J. Baumgarten

This Dead Sea Scroll fragment ‑ The Damascus

Document ‑

states that (1) no one shall defraud his neighbor in


and selling; which includes the prohibition of taking

or giving

usury interest as do the Jew‑controlled banks in their

corrupt, Babylonian system of commerce (2) that no


who is an adherent of the Law shall take unto him a

wife that

is not fit to him; to include one outside his racial

heritage as

expounded in Ezra 10 (3) meaning that as one must


plow with an ox and an ass unequally yoked

together, and

that one must not wear wool with linen (


materials) it is an inarguable conclusion that

adherents of the

Law shall not take a non‑Israelite for a spouse nor


they unequally yoke themselves with unbelievers.

The believers and adherents of the Law are those

that "hear

Christ's voice and follow" him. Those who can and


hear and understand Christ are clearly defined in

John 8:44.

JOHN 8:44‑45:

"You [Jews] are of your father the


and the desires of your father you want to do. He was


murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in

the truth,

because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a

lie, he

speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and

the father

of it. But because I tell the truth, you do not believe


JOHN 8:46:

"Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I


the truth, why do you not believe Me?�

JOHN 8:47:

"He who is of God hears God's words;

therefore you do not hear, because you are not of


Exodus 33:16:

"For how then will it be known that


people and I have found grace in Your sight, except

You go

with us? So we shall be separate, Your people and I,


all the people who are upon the face of the earth."

Ezra 10:11‑12: �Now therefore make confession unto


LORD God of your fathers, and do his pleasure: and

separate yourselves from the people of the land, and


the strange wives. Then all the congregation

answered and

said with a loud voice, As thou hast said, so must we


Christian Israel Identity arguments for racial

segregation is not only corroborated by the

Bible, but now by the Dead Sea Scrolls that are,

to this day, suppressed from scrutiny. Only a

handful of the 400+ Dead Sea Scrolls and

countless thousands of fragments have ever

been released for publication. The Isaiah Scroll

alone is 23 feet long!

The Blue Tunic Army of Christ

Tonight we shall talk to you about the Blue Tunic


Although there is nothing said about the Blue Tunic

Army in

the Scriptures, nevertheless, it is rich in tradition,


that is shown in the records which the pastor Mark

had, as

he pastored the Christian church in Alexandria,

Egypt. The

Essene company also had records that describe the


of the Blue Tunic Army, and the history of Joseph of

Arimathea contains much concerning this army.

If we turn back the pages of history to the time of

Jesus, we

learn that there had been a tremendous operation of


going on in Palestine and particularly inside the city


Jerusalem and inside the Temple of that city. About


years before the birth of Christ, when a few thousand

Israelites of the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi


to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple, after 70 years of

captivity in Babylonia, a mixed multitude of alien


pagans came along with them, which was most


It so happened that these aliens brought from

Babylon a new

and radically different kind of religion, a religion that

was not

based on the commandments of God, but, instead,


based on the traditions of men; and this religion over


centuries has been called the tradition of the elders,


Talmudism, and today is called Judaism.

When the Temple was rebuilt about 515 BC, a


under God was then re‑established in the city of


This government, called a theocracy, was then once


administered by the Levites as God had

commanded, and

the sons of Aaron again served as the priests in the


worship. But soon thereafter, the pagan aliens from


began their intrigue of subversion and conquest of


government and religious worship.

�And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, AND AMONG THE INHABITANTS OF JERUSALEM.� (Jeremiah 11:9)


Babylonian pagans

were related to the Canaanites, Amalekites, Hittites


other peoples that God had told the Israelites to

avoid, who

were also living at that time in the land of Judea and

particularly in the city of Jerusalem. Most of the


people of Judah and Levi settled in Judea, but the

people of

Benjamin established their homes considerably to

the north

in the province of Galilee. This was a significant fact,

because the people of Jerusalem and Judea ,were


with these other races and in time became almost


mongrelized with them, while the people of Galilee


segregated and so were saved from the ravages of

race‑mixing. God had warned His people Israel that

one of

the results of race‑mixing would be that their

offspring would

worship other gods, and so it was in Jerusalem and


The tradition of men or tradition of the elders was

and is actually. the worship of the devil Lucifer, which

sought to

destroy the worship of Yahweh God and nullify all


commandments, statutes and judgments. But


enough, these racially mixed people held onto the


of God which pertained to animal sacrifices, because


suited their evil purposes to do so.

They advocated,


instance, that as long as the rituals were performed

in the

approved manner and at the proper times, it was


to commit any kind of evil a person could imagine. It

was to

such people that Jesus was speaking when He said

to them,

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!

for ye

are like unto whited sepulchred, which indeed


beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's


and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly


righteous unto men, but within ye are full of

hypocrisy and

iniquity" (Matthew 23:27‑28).

Jesus asked these people,

"Why do ye also


the commandment of God by your tradition?"



Then He told them,

"Thus have ye made the

commandment of God of none effect by your


(Matthew 23:6).

In Matthew 15:8‑9 Jesus says,


people draweth nigh unto Me with their mouth, and

honoureth Me with their lips; but their heart is far

from Me.

But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for

doctrines the

commandments of men."

The author of the Book of Mark (in Mark 7:3) says that


the Jews held the tradition of the elders. In Mark 7:7


accused them of

"...teaching for doctrines the

commandments of men."

And in Mark 7:9 Jesus told


"Full well ye reject the commandments of God, that

ye may

keep your own tradition." Jews were like that in the

time of

Christ and they are exactly the same today.

Imagine the ignorance of the Judeo-Christian preachers who say


Christianity evolved out of Judaism. Judaism in the

time of

Christ was called the tradition of men and Christ


stated, again and again, that their traditions and


were in total opposition to the commandments of


Now, just who would advocate doctrines that would

be in

total opposition to the commandments of God?

Lucifer who

is called Satan and the Devil, and his many offspring,

are the

ones who would try to promote traditions and

doctrines that

would make the commandments of God of no effect.

To say

that Christianity evolved out of Judaism is the same

as saying

that righteousness evolved out of evil.

Jews tell a lot of lies because it is their nature to do

so [John

8:44] , but, unfortunately, a majority of Christians


their lies because most Christians have accepted

and believe

an even greater lie, the tremendous lie that the Jews


God's chosen people, which is possibly the biggest

lie ever

told since Lucifer told Eve in the garden of Eden,



not surely die" (Genesis 3:4).

How did the people of Judah and Levi then living in


lose control of their government and religion? They


foolishly forgot or ignored one of the most important

laws of

the Most High God, a law that is stated in


23:2 which reads,

"A mongrel shall not enter into the

congregation of the Lord; even to his tenth

generation shall

he not enter into the congregation of the Lord."

Yes I


in the King James Version it says, "a bastard shall

not enter

into the congregation of the Lord..." But I want you


know that in the original Scripture (as you may learn


any good concordance), the Hebrew word was


and mamzer meant a mongrel, a person born of


different parents: a child born of an Israelite father

and a

non‑Israelite mother, or vice versa. Such a child

would be

spurious, false, not genuine, and therefore

illegitimate, but

would not necessarily be born out of wedlock. A

mongrel or

so‑called bastard could only be produced by the

mixing of

races, and marriage had nothing to do with it.

Bastard: Strong�s Concordance: #4464� mamzer (mam‑zare'); from an unused root meaning to alienate; A MONGREL, i.e. BORN OF A JEWISH (should be Israelite) FATHER AND A HEATHEN MOTHER: KJV‑‑ bastard.

Bastard: Brown-Diver-Briggs Definition: #4464� mamzer‑A BASTARD, A CHILD OF INCEST, AND ILLEGITIMATE CHILD.

a) a bastard

b) mixed population (figurative)

c) born of a Jewish father and a heathen mother or vice versa

Since Judea and Jerusalem in those days contained


integrated society, most of the people living there


became mongrelized and therefore had no capacity


understand or accept the laws of God as given to


(although falsely professing to do so) or to believe

the words

of God as recorded by the prophets because they did


possess the holy spirit. Nevertheless, by the sheer

power of

their overwhelming numbers, these mongrels who

were false

Israelites, these illegitimate mamzers, gradually


control of the Temple in Jerusalem and therefore

control of

the local government and religious worship in the


(which they re‑named synagogues).

At the time when Christ was born, the entire


of the city of Jerusalem and the land of Judea was a


administration operating out of the Temple and was

not in

the hands of the people of God. We want you to


understand that in the Temple, the high priests and

those that

controlled it, were Sadducees. Sadducees were

reincarnationists. They were a strange, pagan cult.


they were worshippers of Lucifer, they were

Talmudic Jews.

They had proclaimed they were true Pharisees, they


they had been converted to Phariseeism. They had


control of the Temple by slaughtering the Levi�s that had been there, and increased in the number that were permitted in the


until they had gained complete control.

Once they had control of the Temple, they put out of

the Temple the true high priests and the true peoples


Israel. The Levites, the sons of Aaron, were no longer


positions of authority and power. Here and there,

among the

lesser temples and synagogues throughout the land,


were possibly one or two of the true priesthood left,


generally speaking, the control of the priesthood was

in the

hands of a people that Christ was to say were of their


the devil, and the lusts their father they would do.

And He

also said they had descended from murderers and


couldn't understand the truth and had no spiritual


for it. And so it was that these were the people who

controlled the Temple of Jerusalem at that time.

But where were the true priests? Where were the


peoples of Israel? Well, they were outside the city,


of Jerusalem, out in the caves in the hills, in the

rocks. They

were known as the Essene company. And the


company were also called Zealots because they

were so

zealous for the program of the kingdom. When Christ


born, remember that John the Baptist had been born


months previously, and at three years of age, for the

fear of

Herod the Jewish king, the parents of John the

Baptist sent

their child to live among the Essenes. So the child

John the

Baptist was raised by the Essenes until he was ten

years of

age, so he would escape the vicious hostility of

Herod, king

of the Jews. For it was Herod king of the Jews, and


murderous army, that had put to death so many

thousands of

the children of Bethlehem and of the house of Israel,


again that the Jews were not Israelites and had no


whatsoever for Israel, and they thought nothing of


these babes, in order to make sure they had

murdered the


It was a strange thing that as a babe, John the Baptist


At three and four and five years of age, he was telling


Essene company of the things he had beheld in the


He declared that the Messiah had been born and

would be

revealed on the face of the earth ‑‑ and that he, John,


been sent as His messenger. When John the Baptist

was just

a baby, he said,

"Behold, I am sent as a messenger

of the


He told also, that the strange thing would be,


when the Messiah was revealed, His people would

want to

crown Him king, but he said, The Messiah will not

take the

crown, but He will take the chalice. And the Essenes

pondered over his words.

In the meantime, we know that Mary and Joseph had


down into Egypt with the Christ child, and they


there until the death of Herod the king, after which


returned to Nazareth.

We understand that John the


also returned to his home, about the same time, for

John the

Baptist had been raised by the Essene company. The


company were the true high priests of Israel, the


They were the people who were very zealous and


always in strange places because the high priest of


Temple, whether Annas or Caiaphas or whosoever it


have been, constantly had a price on their heads. So


Essenes lived throughout the length and breadth of


in communities and towns, but in secrecy. Many of


people belonged to the Essene company but they

dared not

identify themselves, for the army of the Jews which


out of the Temple of Jerusalem would put them to

death or

would stone them on sight.

When the Essene company heard the news that

there was a

possibility that the Messiah had been born, they

were greatly

thrilled. They had one among their company, Joseph


Arimathea, who was the uncle of Mary, the mother of


and he spoke concerning his great nephew, and he


there had been strange prophecies attending the

birth of this

child, and perhaps this was the Messiah that John the


was talking about.

It is a matter of historical record that Joseph of


was a wealthy man who owned the tin mines of

Cornwall, in

Britain. His ships plied the trade of the Mediterranean


on up to the British Isles. He sat in the Sanhedrin

because he

was a Pharisee of great power and renown, but he

was also

a true Essene. He well recognized that the company


Essenes, because of their determination to declare

the truth,

were totally opposed to the Talmudic teachings of

the Jewish

Temple priests. The Essenes opposed the patterns


interpretation that came out of the Canaanites who


moved into positions of power.

The Temple priests watched Jesus. They watched


during His early boyhood and when He came to His



When Christ was taken to Britain by

Joseph of

Arimathea, He spoke in the universities of Britain. He


the wattle church in Glastonbury and He spoke to the


and the elderly and the Masters of Britain; and


watched this lad. Surely Joseph reported to the


company that all were amazed at the wisdom and

knowledge of this young Man, and there were some


thought He might be the promised Messiah.

Then came the day when John the Baptist was

baptizing in

the river Jordan, those who were repentant, and

Jesus came

down and said to him, "I want you to baptize Me."

John the Baptist said, "No. I am not worthy to baptize

you. I

am not worthy to unlatch your shoes." For he

recognized, as

the Spirit came upon Him, that this was the Messiah.

What of this John the Baptist? This was the man


whom Jesus said, "Never was there a man born of


as great as John the Baptist. This was the one that

was to

come with the spirit of Elijah, to announce the way of



During this period of time, the Essenes were


attentive, for now they realized that this might be the

Messiah. They had heard of how He had changed the


into wine, how He had opened the eyes of the blind,


He had unstopped deaf ears, and they said, "Truly

this Man

must be the Messiah."

The Essene company had to use every conceivable

stratagem to stay alive. In fact, as they went to their


lodgings which they had in the areas where they


copying the Scriptures and carrying forward the

continuity of

the scrolls, and working to preserve the true culture


Israel, when they left a path, they were very careful

to wipe

out all traces of their movements. They had a group


shepherds, and the shepherds had hundreds of

sheep that

were used to wipe out their trails, whenever they

traveled to

or from their caves in the hills.

When the Essenes

left a trail,

a shepherd would move his flock across that trail

until all

trace of the path was blotted out, and so the Jews


unable to follow.

It was an amazing thing, but as they saw the ministry


Christ beginning to develop, they were all of one

accord and

they said, "This is without question the Messiah."

And so

they decided that He might need some protection,


they knew what the Jews were like. In fact,

everywhere they

watched Jesus, they saw the animosity of the Jews.


saw that the Jews hated Jesus. They saw that the


designed to kill Him. The whole country was aware


miracles were being performed, but never was there


miracle as great as when He went, a few days late, to


tomb of Lazarus, for His friend Lazarus was dead.

And as

Jesus came to the outside of the tomb. He said, "Roll


the stone." But the people said, "No, he has been in


several days and probably his body is already


we can't do that." But Jesus said, "Roll away the

stone." And

when He said, "Lazarus, come forth, " Lazarus came

walking out of his grave. Then the Essenes said,

"This is the

Messiah." But the Jews gnashed their teeth and they


how they might put Lazarus to death again.

The Essenes said, "We must provide guards, we


provide protection for the Messiah and for those that

are His

disciples." In fact, five of the Essene company fought

off a

group of Jews that tried to stone Lazarus as he was


down to Jerusalem. And so, knowing how much the


hated Jesus, the Essenes always managed to have

some of

their members in the groups around those who were

following Christ. In fact, when He was talking to the


thousand, they mingled among the people, always


the Jews who were standing by. And always, the


standing by would speak out angrily against Christ.

One day Jesus said to His disciples, (in the sixth

chapter of John) "Now I am going to tell you

something: I

have chosen you twelve, but did you know that one

of you is

a devil? Judas Iscariot is the son of perdition, he is a


He is different than you are, he is a devil." And after

this, it

says, Jesus walked in Galilee because He could not


among Jewry, because the Jews plotted to kill Him.

But the

Essene company stayed close by His side. They


wanted to be close to Christ, for fear of the great


that were confronting Him. As a matter of fact, in


instances such as related in the tenth chapter of

John, we

discover something of the tradition of the Essenes,

for when

He declared, "I and the Father are one, " the Essenes


said that He must be the Messiah, and they

remembered the

prophecy: "Unto us a child is born. unto us a son is


and the government shall be upon His shoulder; His


shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty

God, The

�everlasting Father." So they said, "Truly, this is the


that is with us, without question this is the Messiah."


the Jews took up stones to stone Him, and instantly,


company men, who were charged with the guarding


Christ, stepped in the way and opposed these


and there was a great scuffle at that time.

We move through the Book of John to the eleventh


and again we read the record of the Essenes. The


priests sent out men to capture Jesus, and they were

instructed by the high priest to bring Him secretly to

a spot

outside the city and have Him stoned. When the men

proceeded forth to carry out their part in the


they saw the crowds around Jesus. They saw the


hanging on His every word. They saw that never a

man had

spoken as this Man spoke, and they came back to the


priest and they said, "We were afraid to put our

hands on

Christ. We didn't dare touch Him. The people were

enthralled by His words. Never a man spake like this



Caiaphas then dismissed the men, and he said to the


high priests, "I want you to know that you don't know

anything at all. This Man does miracles. This Man is


out a program that is capturing the people, and I am

going to

tell you something: If we don't kill this Man, He is

going to

gather the children of God that are scattered abroad;


the Romans who are of the tribe of Gad are going to


on Him, and we are going to lose control of this

people. We

have got to kill Him."

In the Book of John it says, "And from this day on,


������������������������ took counsel together, how they could put Him to


������������������������ So the Essenes pondered these things. Joseph of


������������������������ who occasionally left his home to visit the Essene


������������������������ sat in the conference concerning this matter. They

had a

������������������������ young Zealot in their company called Barabbas, a

������ �����������������descendant of Jeroboam who had been a

commander of the

������������������������ house of Israel many hundreds of years before, and


������������������������ talked about the necessity of providing protection


������������������ ������because of the Jews and their animosity against the


������������������������ of Christ. The Jews had caused some to be stoned,


������������������������ many had been put to death; and all along the road to

������������������������ Joppa, the Jews had attacked and killed a number of

������������������������ Christians and disciples of Jesus, even at that time.

So the

������������������������ Essenes said, "We will form an army, we will form an

������������������������ underground army, to oppose this evil power of


������������������������ And so they turned to Barabbas, the young Zealot,


������������������������ asked him to head the army ‑‑ and, incidentally, all


������������������������ Essene company men were referred to as Zealots.

������������������������ The Essenes had also secretly selected a proper

high priest,

������������������������ for Jonathan was the High Priest that year, the true


������������������������ Priest of Israel, and he stood before the Essenes with


������������������������ breastplate of Israel, with shimmering jewels

mounted in that

������������������������ breastplate, to denote his rank and title. He was

clothed in

������������������������ the robes that the high priests wore when they were

in the

������������������������ Tabernacle and worshipping the Most High God. The

������������������������ Essene company and all of the Levites said, "Yes,

there is no

������������������������ question about it: we must form an army to protect


������������������������ the Messiah."

������������������������ But there were some who said, "Christ does not yet


������������������������ His kingdom, He has not given us a word." But they


������������������������ very much activated again, when Jesus one day

said, "He

������������������������ that hath no sword, let him sell his coat and buy a


������������������������ ‑‑It is a lot better, my friends, that you be cold, rather


������������������������ be killed or attacked by organized Jewry. And so


������������������������ said, "He that hath no sword, let him sell his coat and

buy a

������������������������ sword."

������������������������ News of this warning and advice went out instantly to


�������������� ����������Essene company, that Christ did not repudiate their

plan of

������������������������ defense; on the contrary, He gave it His definite


������������������������ Then as these things transpired, Jesus said, "The

kingdom of

�������������� ����������God suffereth violence, and since the days of John


������������������������ Baptist, the violent have taken it by storm. It And the

������������������������ Essenes said, "See, He opposes the violence, but He


������������������������ for the defense of Israel. Therefore we must form a

������������������������ company, otherwise the Jews will surely kill Him. Of

So it

������������������������ was that Barabbas, Barabbas the Zealot started to


������������������������ an army among the Essenes. They organized in


������������������������ community and every town. They had many men


������������������������ secretly said, "Yes, we will defend Christ, we will

fight for

������������������������ those that follow Him, we will fight against the Jews."


������������������������ so Barabbas began the task of gathering men to form


������������������������ army.

������������������������ During this time, Joseph of Arimathea sent for

Demetrius the

������������������������ silversmith, and Demetrius prepared the chalice.


������������������������ that while Christ sat with His disciples in the dining

room of

������������������������ Joseph, in the city of Jerusalem, that Demetrius


������������������������ engraved a beautiful chalice, because the Essenes

still had

������������������������ the words ringing in their ears, from the boy John the


������������������������ "He will take the chalice instead of the crown." But at


������������������������ same time, they carefully prepared the crown, and

they took

������������������������ the jewels which the Wise Men had brought and


������������������������ them in the crown, for they knew that someday they


������������������������ crown Christ king. Everywhere now that Christ went,

two or

������������������������ three of the Essene company would also go. They


������������������������ how to get in touch, instantly, with the underground


������������������������ that now covered the length and breadth of

Palestine. This

������������������������ was a guerrilla army, but it was an army that was

tried and

������������������������ true which realized that an apostate force of

anti‑Christ had

������������������������ taken over the Temple of Jerusalem, and these

things were

������������������������ confirmed by the Messiah, by the mouth of the


������������������������ of God.

������������������������ And so as they gathered and prepared for these


�������������������� ����Joseph of Arimathea said, "I think it is time that we


������������������������ get ready, because the coronation will come very

soon, as

������������������������ the people from the length and breadth of Palestine


������������������������ ready to crown Him king." He said, "I think we should


������������������������ a uniform" ‑‑and this was agreed upon. Then the


������������������������ said, "Let us have a blue uniform with two beautiful,


������������������������ crossed fish upon it, for fish was already the sign of


������������������������ followers of Christ, and with the secret of the

crossed fish

������������������������ they would gather or meet or assemble or plan. And

so the

������������������������ ships of Joseph of Arimathea, as they. went back and


������������������������ between Palestine and Britain, brought the bolts of


������������������������ cloth from Spain and the golden cloth that the

Essenes cut

������������������������ and sewed on the tunics for the army of Barabbas.

And so it

������������������������ was that the Blue Tunic Army came into being, with


������������������������ crossed golden fishes across their chests, dedicated


������������������������ defend the Messiah and defend those that were His

������������������������ followers. That was the army of Israel that was

coming to

������������������������ life, a guerrilla army, yes, but a good army.

������������������������ You know, so many times, people are misled and get

������������������������ excited when they listen, as they do today, to the


������������������������ radio and television, which are in the hands of the

enemy ‑‑

������������������������ and I think you have had ample illustration of this in

the last

������������������������ few days. Also, during the ministry of Christ, rumors


������������������������ false information emanated from the enemy, and

they would

������������������������ denounce Barabbas, but Barabbas was a patriot.

More than

������������������������ this, the army was well formed: it had several

thousand men

������������������������ within it.

������������������������ They came from various communities throughout the

land, as

������������������������ well as from the host that met underground as the


������������������������ company. At times, they thought they had need of


������������������������ but weapons were not available, except for a few


������������������������ swords which they had on hand. So Barabbas and his


������������������������ raided a caravan of Roman arms that was coming to


������������������������ Governor, and they were able to get away

successfully with

������������������������ these arms and short swords of Damascus. The


������������������������ were very much disturbed by this, and they

instituted a

������������������������ search for the man Barabbas, but his existence was

only a

������������������������ rumor, without confirmation or certainty, for no one


�����������������������open his mouth, as it was an underground that

refused to

������������������������ speak.

������������������������ The Essene company were also aware of the

necessity for

������������������������ the gathering of provisions and food for the large

number of

������������������������ the men of Israel who were not permitted any longer


������������������������ return to their homes, and were living in the


������������������������ out in the caves. And so Barabbas said, "Why do we


������������������������ also attack the caravans of the high priests?" ‑‑for

the high

������������������������ priests were bringing in provisions and goods from

all over

������������������������ the world. They were expanding their program and


������������������������ trading on the steps and in the courts of the Temple.


������������������������ had turned the house of God into a house of


������������������������ for profit and for gain ‑‑ just as Christ said.

�� ���������������������And so it was that the army of Barabbas, not yet in

������������������������ their uniforms but in groups, came out and attacked


������������������������ caravan of the Jews, and they took the provisions


������������������ ������and fled away into the wilderness. Of course the

Jews were

������������������������ exasperated. After five or six of these attacks upon


������������������������ caravans, the high priest said, "We must secure this


����������������������� �We hear a rumor that he is Barabbas. We must put a


������������������������ upon his head, for this man we must have."

������������������������ When the uniforms were finished and the swords


������������������������ issued, the army was ready for any emergency, and


������������������������ Essenes listened for the report of an attack or the

attempt of

������������������������ an attack upon the body of Christ. The word had


������������������������ back that Judas Iscariot had been identified by Christ


������������������������ being a devil. They also pondered over this fact, for


������������������������ realized that this would identify Christ to the peoples

of the

������������������������ Temple, for Jesus had told them, "Ye are of your

father the

������������������������ devil: I am of My Father and you are of your father."


������������������������ brotherhood here! No brotherhood between the

house of

������������������������ God and the house of evil. Had not Jesus also said, in

������������������������ Matthew, "You are guilty of the blood of all the


������������������������ slain from Abel to Zacharias, killed between the

horns of the

������������������������ altar"?

������������������������ Everything now seemed to be ready, and the

Essenes said,

������������������������ "You know, if we can crown Him king before the


������������������������ then when the Passover comes, people will have the

������������������������ Messiah as king and a new day will be born, Rome

will be

������������������������ cast off, the powers of darkness will be driven from


������������������������ Temple, and Israel will be born in a day!" And so,

with this

������������������������ hope and expectation, they planned, if they could, to


������������������������ Christ king. They thought that He would come into

������������������������ Jerusalem a week or so prior to the Passover. And

so it was

������������������������ that we come to the pageant of the day of Palm


������������������������ when Jesus came toward Bethphage and told His


������������������������ to go over the hill and they would find a colt, the foal

of an

������������������������ ass, tied to a tree, and He said, "Bring it to Me, and if

������������������������ anyone wants to know who wants it, say Yahshua

hath need

������������������������ of this, and it will be given to you."

������������������������ And it happened exactly as He had said. Then they

put their

������������������ ������garments upon the animal, and Christ sat upon it and

������������������������ approached the city of Jerusalem. As He came

towards the

������������������������ wall of the city, people from every part of Palestine


������������������������ there. They came out shouting, "Hosanna in the

highest, to

������������������������ the Son of David! Blessed is He that comes in the

name of

������������������������ Yahshua!" And so they cried and cut palm branches


������������������������ shouted before Him. This was the great day they had


������������������������ waiting for. The Blue Tunic Army had also gathered


������������������������ from all over Palestine. They were around Jerusalem


������������������������ around the gate. They were down in the streets and


������������������������ were ready. And underneath their togas they wore

their blue

������������������������ tunics, and they had their sharp short swords. As


������������������������ entered the city of Jerusalem, the people shouted,


������������������������ Him king!" Suddenly, resplendent in the brilliant sun,


������������������������ togas were dropped and the blue uniforms appeared,


������������������������ the golden crossed fish and the raised swords of the


������������������������ Tunic Army. The crowd of people shouted, "Hosanna

in the

������������������������ highest! Crown Him king! Crown Him king!" An army


������������������������ almost three thousand men were there, ready to


������������������������ Christ, ready to battle in any emergency at that hour.

������������������������ As Christ approached the steps of the Temple, the


������������������������ priests of Israel, the Essene High Priest and those

who were

����� ������������������the true Levites, were also approaching. They had


������������������������ beautiful crown they had prepared. Joseph of

Arimathea and

������������������������ others were now openly identified with Christ, and


����������������� �������wanted to crown Him king. They brought forth the

crown to

������������������������ crown Him king, and the High Priest said, "I would


������������������������ Thee King of Israel today. Thou art our Messiah. Thou


������������������������ our God." Then Jesus said, "I can not take the crown

at this

������������������������ time; I must take the chalice instead." These were

the words

������������������������ of John the Baptist. This was the fulfillment of the


���������������������� ��which he had proclaimed to the Essene company

when he

������������������������ was but a child. And so it was that Jesus said, "If I

were to

������������������������ take this crown, I would rule you in bondage and in

sin. You

������������������������ are My children and I am your Messiah, and I have


������������������������ promised unto you from before the foundation of the


������������������������ Then He said, "I shall take this chalice. I shall drink


������������������������ drop out of this chalice. I shall assume the

transgressions of

������������������������ the world, and I shall set you free. I shall come again,

and at

������������������������ that time My servants will fight, and the kingdom will

not be

���������������������� ��given to the Jews. But at this hour I must take the


������������������������ The flashing swords and the blue tunics with the


������������������������ crossed fish were identifying marks of the army that


���������������������� ��suddenly risen to defend the embodiment of God

who was

������������������������ Christ the Messiah.

���������������������� Let The High Praise of God Be In Their

��������������������� Mouth, And A Two‑edged Sword In Their

������������������������������������ Hand. ‑Psalms 149:6

���������������������������� ARYAN CHRISTIAN

������������������������������������������ LAW

������������������������ On the steps of the Temple, the Jews were gnashing


������������������������ teeth. The high priest said, "O, if we could only crush


������������������������ thing, but there are too many people, there are too


������������������������ involved. Jesus turned and looked at the high priest


������������������������ looked at the courts in the Temple and saw how they


������������������������ made the Father's house a place of trade and


������������������������ Then He whipped together a cat‑o‑nine‑tails, moved

in and

������������������������ overthrew the money‑changers' tables, and He said,


������������������������ have made My Father's house a den of thieves and

������������������������ murderers." And then after this, it says that He

turned and

������������������������ went, first to the house of John, and then to Bethany.


������������������������ He had taken the chalice and left the crown, He

handed the

������������������������ chalice to John. He then left and went to John's

house, and

������������������������ the Blue Tunic Army disappeared as quickly as it had

������������������������ appeared. The togas went over the blue tunics and

the men

������������������������ disappeared in the crowd. Where was the Blue Tunic


������ �����������������now?

������������������������ Barabbas went to the house of James and John, the

sons of

������������������������ Zebedee, and Judas Iscariot went to the Temple.


������������������������ Iscariot said to the Temple priests, "Would you like to


������������������������ the man who headed the army? Would you like to get


������������������������ insurrectionist and stop this violence? He is at the

house of

������������������������ John, the son of Zebedee. And so the priests, not

wanting to

������������������������ become victims of the vengeance of the people,

called for

������������������������ the assistance of Rome and they said to the


������������������������ of Rome, "The man that held up and attacked your


������������������������ is at the house of John, the son of Zebedee." And so


������������������������ soldiers of Rome went down and surrounded the

house and

������������������������ took Barabbas. They took him and threw him in


� ����������������������They said, "He is a robber, he is a thief." But he was


������������������������ Zealot and a patriot. He was a nationalist and he was


������������������������ to Christ.

������������������������ During these troubled times, many things transpired.

������������������������ Remember, that in the trial of Christ we found, as


������������������������ stood before Jesus, in the King James Bible it says,


������������������������ Thou the king of the Jews?" This is a mistranslation.


������������������������ didn't say "king of the Jews." He really said, "Art

Thou the

������������������������ king of Judea?" And Jesus answered him and said,


������������������������ thou this thing thyself, or did others tell thee?" Pilate


������������������������ "How can I know? Hast not the chief priest of Thine


������������������������ nation delivered Thee to me? " And Jesus said, "My

������������������������ kingdom is not of this hour. If My kingdom were of


������������������������ hour, My servants would fight, and the kingdom

would not

������������������������ be delivered to the Jews." The servants of God were


������������������������ Jews. The servants of God were Israelites, the

followers of

����� ������������������Christ.

������������������������ Then Pilate went out before the Jews and said, "He is

������������������������ not guilty, He is absolutely not guilty." He had


������������������������ talked with Christ and had been amazed at the


������������������������ wisdom which Christ had displayed. Pilate himself

had been

������������������������ trained in the great mystery schools. He was actually


������������������������ Basque. He had been born in Spain, educated in the


������������������������ universities of London, and he belonged to the


������������������������ order. Moreover, in his questioning of Jesus he

asked Him,

������������������������ "What is truth?" and Jesus gave him the right

answer. Then

������������������������ Pilate said, "You are not guilty, and You are a higher


������������������������ than I have yet met." (We find this in the writings of

������������������������ Nicodemus.) Pilate said again, "He is not guilty, He is

������ �����������������absolutely not guilty. I will never convict this man"

‑‑and I

������������������������ am going to tell you, there was absolutely nothing

that would

������������������������ have ever made this Mason turn on the Grand Master

of all

����� ������������������masters.

���������������������������������������� The Jews said,

������������������������������ "His blood be upon us and our children."

������������������������ That is where the blood of all the righteous slain, of

all the

������ �����������������prophets of truth from Abel to Zacharias, belonged,

as Jesus

������������������������ had declared. And so Pilate thought, Well now, I

know one

������������������������ thing they will not do: surely they will not ask for the

death of

� ����������������������this Man, about whom I have heard so many rumors


������������������������ about whom my wife was told me so much, who has


������������������������ so much good, who has raised the dead, who has

healed the

������������������� �����sick, who has proclaimed words of life, and who has


������������������������ uttered a single word of insurrection. Surely, when I


������������������������ this information before them, I know what they will

do." So

������������������������ he came before them and said, "There is a custom

that at the

������������������������ Passover we release unto you a man. Now I happen

to have

������������������������ a man named Barabbas. This man is a robber and a


������������������������ (which he might have been to Pilate, but to Israel he

was a

������������������������ patriot). Pilate said, "I have this man in jail, and he


������������������������ raided your caravans and he has taken your goods


������������������������ stolen from you. Whom would you have me release,

������������������������ Barabbas or Christ?" Of course the mob of Jews


������������������������ "Release Barabbas, release Barabbas."

������������������������ Barabbas was an amazed patriot. Barabbas was the


������������������������ who was released then, as Christ was led forth to

������������������������ crucifixion. But Barabbas was heartbroken, to think

that the

������������������������ Messiah was going to take his place. The strange


���������� ��������������was that Barabbas, upon being loosed, immediately

went to

������������������������ the company, and the Essenes were worried lest the


������������������������ would take after Barabbas again, the very moment


���������������������� ��Christ was crucified. So Barabbas was hidden by the

������������������������ Essenes, out in the caves, and a man named Rufus

was given

������������������������ command of the Blue Tunic Army of Christ.

������������������������ After the resurrection, organized Jewry resumed


������������������������ persecution of Christians. They sent out armies all


������������������������ Palestine to persecute them. And so the Blue Tunic


������������������������ would come out to defend the Christians, and they


������������������������ fight with the armies of Jewry. Here five, here ten;


������������������������ secret groups gathered in the communities to defend

������������������������ Christians. Christ had ascended into the heavens, but


������������������������ battle of Christ and anti‑Christ went on. The children


������������������������ Lucifer were now carrying their battle directly

against the

������������������������ church. Joseph of Arimathea also had now been


������������������������ with the Essene company, and the followers of


������������������������ because of his defense of Jesus and because of the


������������������������ of Christ in his tomb. More than this, as these


����� ������������������developed, Joseph of Arimathea took Barabbas on

one of

������������������������ his galleys which plied the course of the

Mediterranean Sea

������������������������ and went back and forth between the land of

Palestine and

�������������� ����������the areas of Britain. And with Barabbas, there was

always a

������������������������ band of Blue Tunic warriors guarding the ships of

Joseph of

������������������������ Arimathea.

������������������������ When Jesus, hanging on the cross, looked down at


������������������������ mother, He said, "Mother, behold thy Son." Then He


������������������������ to John His beloved disciple and said, "John, behold


������������������������ mother." From that day on, we are told that the


������������������������ John took care of the mother of Christ until the Jews


������������������������ her in a small boat along with her uncle, Joseph of

������������������������ Arimathea, and several of the disciples, a boat that


� ����������������������without sail or oars which the Jews set adrift on the

������������������������ Mediterranean Sea. Of course the occupants of the


������������������������ were expected to perish, but it drifted to shore at the

city of

���������� ��������������Marseille. That small band of early Christians then


������������������������ over the land of Gaul, which was ancient France, and


������������������������ arrived at Glastonbury, in Britain, where Mary spent


������������� �����������remainder of her life. After the Crucifixion, the Jews

������������������������ continued to harass and persecute all Christians, and

������������������������ especially the family of Christ, but many of the

Essenes, with

���������������������� ��Barabbas their leader, also escaped to Britain, and


������������������������ continued to watch over the Virgin Mary as long as


������������������������ lived.

������������������������ Except for those who had gone to Britain, practically

� ����������������������every known member of the Blue Tunic Army gave


������������������������ life defending Christians, fighting the anti‑Christ in


������������������������ land of Palestine. But it was in Britain, in the area of

���������������� ��������Glastonbury, that Mary made her home. A house was

������������������������ built for her, and there by the Spring of Jacob, Mary

������������������������ was to spend the remainder of her years ‑‑ and


������������������������ around [Mary] were some of the members of the


������������������������ Tunic Army.

������������������������ We have learned more about these Blue Tunic

soldiers. We

������������������������ discover that this guerrilla army fought valiantly to

defend the

���� �������������������towns of Britain against the invasions of Rome, as

they came

������������������������ again, in about A. D. 42, in sorties against the land of


������������������������ and against the abbeys and structures of


����� ������������������These invading barbarians, at that time, didn't realize


������������������������ Britain was Christian. And this Of course was long


������������������������ Saint Augustine came up from Rome, as he did, half


��������������� ���������millennium later, and was amazed to find that the


������������������������ were Christians and were followers of Christ, even


������������������������ they had no contact with his church in Rome.

������������������������ The Blue Tunic warriors were at [Cornwall], and they

������������������������ fought valiantly to defend the town of Britain against

������������������������ the Roman invasion.

������������������������ What little we know about the Blue Tunic Army has


� ����������������������gleaned from ancient traditions and writings which

tell us

������������������������ they served and protected Joseph and the leaders of


������������������������ Essenes, as long as they lived. We understand also

that the

�������� ����������������high priests of Israel and the Essene company


������������������������ became Christian. When Mark formed his church in

������������������������ Alexandria, Egypt, the Essenes brought all of the


������������������������ which they had copies of, to him. That is why 163


������������������������ made up the area of Scripture in the days of Mark,

and ten

������������������������ of them were spurious, but 153 of them were

inspired. Now

������������������������ you have only 66 books in your Bible, due to


������������������������ and the Council of Nicaea, and two of them are


������������������������ The Song of Solomon and the Book of Esther are


������������������������ spurious, and the name of God isn't in them even

once. One

������������������������ is licentious and stands for mongrelization, and the

other for

������������������������ the revenge and the blood bath of Jewry.

������������������������ The Essene company melted into the Christian


������������������������ but they maintained their status and for many years

������������������������ maintained their secrets. Some of the secrets were

carried to

������������������������ Rome. When they were persecuted in Rome.


������������������������ would secretly come together with the sign of the

fish, and

������������������������ they would hold up their crossed fingers, as a sign of


������������������������ crossed emblem that had once been on the

vestments of the

� ����������������������army of Barabbas. It became a custom everywhere,


������������������������ Christians when meeting, to make the sign of a cross


������������������������ crossing their fingers.

������������������������ We do not know about the death of Barabbas. It is

������������������������ recorded that he was in Britain, and that he was

among the

������������������������ company that fought to defend against the invasions


������������������������ Rome. We know, however, that in that day a guerrilla


������������������������ was formed. Christ did not encourage the army, but


������������������������ army, with enthusiasm and zeal, was there to defend


������������������������ It was there, and defended Lazarus, when the Jews


������������������������ how they might put him to death again. Think of a

people, so

������������������������ vicious, so evil, that they would want to put to death


������������������������ resurrected man. And so it was that the army of

Christ, the

������������������������ Blue Tunic Army, was without question a


������������������������ pattern of protection to Christians, even though it


������������������������ was exterminated by the sheer weight of the

numbers of

�� ���������������������organized Jewry, and their power.

������������������������ We remember that Blue Tunic Army and look to a

������������������������ resurrection of it in the days ahead. We look forward

to the

������������������������ day when Christians shall rise up, for God says, "I


������������������������ sound My voice before My army. and a great and


������������������������ army shall rise up, and the children of anti‑Christ

shall be

������������������������ driven back." The powers of darkness shall be


������������������������ and the forces of Asia and Africa under the world

������������������������ communistic conspiracy, organized by Zionism and


������������������������ and spread today by the Jews in America, will be


������������������������ and destroyed. We want you to know that this is a

true fact,

������������������������ and as people are beginning to become aware of this

������������������������ mystery, they will lift their heads and look to God


������������������������ whence cometh their strength. The armies of God,

the great

������������������������ fleets of the Most High. will soon be among us. Of

this you

������������������������ can be sure. And in such a day, we shall see Michael


������������������������ great archangel, and we shall see again the great

hosts of the

������������������������ Most High, as they join with us in the battle.

������������������������ While we battle in the earth against the hosts of

darkness, so

��� ��������������������also will the King of kings and Lord of lords, as


������������������������ come, and the crown will be given to Him. This time

it will

������������������������ not be, "I must take the chalice, " for He has already


�����������������������that part of our destiny. He drained the chalice to the


������������������������ drop, and at that time He said, "Even though it were


������������������������ that this cup pass from Me, still, not the will of flesh,

but the

������������������������ will of Spirit is that which must be done." So He


������������������������ your transgressions and set you free with the power

of His

������������������������ resurrection. He will return again in the near future,

to take

������������������������ the throne, and we shall then join with Him in


������������������������ world without end, and we shall sit and rule with Him

in the

������������������������ earth for ever and for ever, according to the pattern

of the

������������������������ Scriptures.

������������������������ So as we think of these mysteries and situations, we

������������������������ recognize that we are in the end of the age. I think

the events

������������������������ of this week clearly demonstrate that we are in the

end of

������������������������ the age. The powers of darkness and the voodooism

and the

������������������������ witch‑doctorism and the control of organized Jewry

over the

������������������������ Negro population, as they move them in the Red


������������������������ have been a part of our history for the last few years.


������������������������ Watts to Chicago to Detroit to Newark to Boston, to


������������������������ these cities have come fires and wars and riots and


������������������������ while these Negroes act as though they were having


������������������������ finest time of their lives, stealing the goods and

setting fire to

������������������������ the places. And of all the inept, irresponsible,


������������������������ society! they even set fire to their own houses. They

set fire

������������������������ to their own stores and everything else, and they


������������������������ around and act like they are full of glee until it is all


������������������������ Then they sit down and want you to rebuild

everything for

������������������������ them, because they are burnt out and they have no

place to

������������������������ go.

��������������� ���������As we see these things, we can feel sure that we are

in the

������������������������ latter days, and certainly we are in perilous times.

When in a

������������������������ great nation of God's kingdom we can have these


����������������� �������act like this, then we have shirked our responsibility.


������������������������ kingdom of the Most High belongs to the children of


������������������������ kingdom, who are the majority, and their


������������������������ should be controlling this nation by all soundness

and all

������������������������ patterns of intelligence. People have been thinking

too much

������������������������ about their own gain, or their own security, or their


������������������������ homes. Now the hour has come when we must stand


������������������������ Christ and His kingdom and for the deliverance of

this great

������������������������ nation under God. And when it comes, we will be


������������������������ for the Kingdom of God, and mayhap also a Blue


������������������������ Army will rise again.

������������������������ ‑‑‑end‑‑‑

Reference Materials